Nambiriizi Good Samaritan Christian School is in Uganda’s Kyotera district (previously Rakai).  The area is one of the most remote and impoverished areas in Uganda.  Sometimes, the school cannot be reached by vehicle because the roads become impassable with even small amounts of rain.  Thousands of children in the area were orphaned during the war and the HIV epidemic.  Over 20 years ago, Pastor Sserwanja Josham founded Nambiriizi Good Samaritan Christian School to help these hopeless children.  His son Kagawa Moses, the first student at the school, is now in charge.  Currently, over 300 children attend Good Samaritan.  These children are provided with a Christian education and taught critical vocational skills.  Pastor Josham also leads the Miracle Center Church, located adjacent to the school. 

Good Samaritan became part of the Engage Hope team in 2011.  Since that time, Engage Hope has provided funding for the following projects:

  • Pastor Conferences
  • built a house for a young single mother with HIV and her three children
  • dug a well, which provided the only clean water in the area
  • licensing for Good Samaritan Primary School
  • construction of a new classroom block
  • provided the school with a new scanner
  • provide salaries for qualified/certified/accredited teachers
  • roof and classroom wall repairs
  • installation of a solar panel that enabled classrooms to have light for the first time, as there is no electricity in the area
  • construction of latrines to replace existing latrines that were leaching waste into the ground
  • purchased updated textbooks and revision materials for students
  • construction of the teacher’s living quarters 
  • purchased land to be used as a playground and athletic field for student

Sponsor-a-Child – through Engage Hope, generous individuals from the United States sponsor children in the Good Samaritan program to provide them with a Christian education, minor medical care, a daily meal, and the teaching of life skills to enable self-sufficiency.

COVID Relief Fund – to prevent the spread of COVID, the Ugandan government locked down the country, including closing schools and prohibiting public and private transportation. Engage Hope raised funds to send to Ministry Partners to help them purchase food for families of sponsored children and other families in their ministries who were going hungry.  Also, Engage Hope partnered with Prestonwood Baptist Church to send monetary gifts to the teachers in our ministries’ schools to help the teachers who were not getting full pay during the COVID lockdown. 

Short-Term Mission Trips Beginning in 2012 and for many years following, Engage Hope sponsored students from Prestonwood Christian Academy on their March trip to Uganda. Also, Engage Hope sponsors another team that visits in June or July.    On both trips, team members share the gospel with students through Bible stories and arts and crafts.  Teams also provide medical clinics, teacher training, discipleship training, work projects, and door-to-door evangelism. The goal of each Engage Hope trip is always to meet physical needs while sharing the gospel of Christ.

Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) – ACSI is an international accreditation organization that sets high standards and offers quality training and support for teachers in academics and biblical integration to increase the quality of Christian education. Engage Hope paid for Nambiriizi Good Samaritan Christian School’s membership in ASCI and for the Headmaster and all teachers to attend the ACSI Transformational Teacher Training.

Yearly Meet the Need Campaign – Every summer, Engage Hope raises funds for our ministry partners that allow them to meet the greatest needs of the students in their programs.  Ministry Partners have distributed mosquito nets, mattresses, blankets, shoes, school supplies, soap, and many other necessities from funding provided by our Meet the Need Campaign.

Yearly Christmas Party – For years, Engage Hope has raised funds to give to each of our ministry partners to allow them to provide a Christmas party for the children in their programs.  The parties include a meal for the children, fun activities, and sharing the Christmas story of Jesus’ birth.  Children look forward to these parties all year long!

If you want to sponsor a child from Good Samaritan, please click here to be redirected to the sponsor page.