Casa Hogar Alegre Orphanage is head in Tuxtla Gutierrez, the capital of Chiapas, Mexico.  It was founded in 1993 by Elizabeth Castelazo and her children Angel and Merari.  It is an orphanage for abused and abandoned children of all ages where they are clothed, fed, educated, and given the Hope of Jesus Christ.  Children have their physical as well as spiritual needs met.  The curriculum taught includes math, science, reading, music, cultural heritage, vocational training, Bible studies, and English as a second language.

Casa Hogar cares for children placed in the orphanage by the Mexican children’s court. Generally, the court’s involvement with these children ends after one follow up visit. There is no financial support from the government or the families of the children. The home’s founding parents, along with a group of teachers, are the only adults to care for the current population of about 120 children every day and night.

Engage Hope partnered with Casa Hogar Alegre in 2017 and supports the orphanage by sending monthly funding for food as well as coordinating mission trips each year.  

If you would like to donate to this ministry to help educate, feed and clothe the children of the orphanage, please click here to be redirected to Engage Hope’s donation page and choose Casa Hogar as the donation option.